2012년 5월 30일 수요일

LISMA Program - ESL

LISMA Program - ESL

Course Description and Aims


Writing Level 1: Students will be taught the concepts of “things” and “actions” as subjects and verbs in the formation of sentences. A buildup of an acceptable level of functional words will be emphasized. Students will have to prove competence in recognizing ideas and then be capable of responding to them with simple sentences.

Writing Level 2: This continuation of LEVEL I will focus on the flexibility of the concept of the sentence in practice and its ability to convey vital information to the reader or listener. The student will be urged to be creative with the newly acquired vocabulary and to gain an appreciation of this creative act of communication.

Writing Level 3: This course will build upon the skills taught in WRITING LEVEL I section I and II. It will focus upon the abilities of the students to know how the sentence can be used as the central unit of a “complete expression”, to communicate wants, desires, questions, commands, emotions of surprise, anguish, etc, emphasis will be placed on the use of everyday language and idiomatic expression. Student will be expected to use everyday language and idiomatic expressions in their writing as well. It will be expected they will reflect new skills learned in writing these paragraphs.

Writing Level 4: Building upon lessons learned in previous writing courses, the student will learn to abstract from a given topic or theme to productively respond with appropriate written exercises which would indicate that he, or she had mastered the skills of sentence formation and adequate control of the material. They will, also, be taught the four types of sentence: Declarative, Interrogative, exclamatory and imperative. Students will express themselves in paragraph form.

Writing Level 5: This advanced course will assess the abilities of students in the process of writing extended composition based on a given topic. They will have to have mastered the concepts and exercises for creating acceptable sentences as represented in composition form. In this class, specific forms for obtaining “unity” in the process of writing essays will be taught and practiced. Vocabulary will have been mastered to the degree that the student will be fluent for ease of the creative writing experience.

Writing Level 6: The student will have to have a full command of such structures as: adjective & adverb phrases, adjective& adverb clauses, the various types of sentences and how they convey information to influence the reader or listener to understand a particular concept for a desired outcome.


Reading Level 1: Students will be taught specific skills for word recognition, (morphology). They will be taught how basic ideas conveyed by sentences can be mastered for full comprehension. Reading of simple texts and selective readings which will be orally reproduced will be part of the necessary training for verbal skills and listening competence.

Reading Level 2: Continuation of READING LEVEL I – This level will include exercises in the reading of simple instructional texts that are of variable difficulty to build student competence and confidence.

Reading Level 3: Students will be challenged with the reading of selected materials which will enhance their competence and an appreciation of how concepts are presented by others. The material selected will be simple books and other items gotten by the instructor and / or the students for class projects. Class exercises will entail competence in reading isolated details as observed in media advertising, newspapers, etc.

Reading Level 4: This level will focus on the independent ability of the student to read simple texts as an assignment and to, without much assistance convey an acceptable understanding of the text which has to be communicated, The course will practice oral, as well as silent, reading for comprehension and listening competence.

Reading Level 5: Students will be capable of reading basic texts such as “The Pearl” by John Steinbeck and other such material of this level of difficulty. They will be capable of experience and explaining the behavior of certain characters. The instructor will challenge the students as to comprehension, etc.

Reading Level 6: At this level, students will have the competence and confidence in them to read from texts and explain to the class what he, or she, has understood. Reading out loud to the class will be observed for ongoing listening, articulation, and concept competence. The course will feature still yet more challenging selections of reading material for analysis.


Grammar Level 1: Students will be taught the simplest of grammatical forms and their usage in the creation of simple sentences. riority will be placed upon the concepts and usage of the “noun” as subject and the “verb” as the predicate of all sentences, the students will have to show competence with sentence structure in communicating appropriate concepts as directed by the instructor.

Grammar Level 2 : Continuation of GRAMMAR LEVEL 1- This level will improve upon the skills learned at the primary grammar level and require of the student to competently produce intelligible sentences that would be widely understood and acceptable. In addition, this class will correspond with the WRITING 102 class by way of introducing the paragraph as a means of composition.

Grammar Level 3: At this level, students will be expected to have learned all the eight parts of speech which are the foundation of the English Language. They will learn the productive use of grammatical terminology for flexibility of sentence structure.

Grammar Level 4: This continuation course of Grammar 303 will enhance the logic of the sentence through the variation drills and complexities of the grammatical system of English. Students should be capable of writing sentences without many grammatical problems of comprehension.

Grammar Level 5: The grammatical forms at this level will entail the variations of the basic tenses learned in previous classes. Here, the students will have exercises in the “continuous,” the “perfect” and the “perfect-continuous” modifications of the basic past, present, and future tenses. They will have to produce their writing samples showing their mastery of the tenses, along with their competence of the mechanics of written communication, (punctuation).

Grammar Level 6: This final level for grammar will enhance the level of competence learned in previous classes. At this level, the student should not show any of the common grammatical errors observed in the writings of students in the primary courses of ESL, The grammatical skills should exhibit strong command of written expression which is necessary for clear communication


Oral/Aural Level 1: Pronunciation skills, (phonetic exercises) along with listening comprehension skills will be an essential part of the course. Students will learn the consonant and vowel systems of the language in addition to the 46 sounds by which it is represented. It will be expected the students will have occasion to utilize the vocabulary learned in previous classes, presenting them in intelligible sentences among, and between, fellow classmates during class exercises.

Oral/Aural Level 2: The use of prepared texts for analysis and comprehension will be focused upon then discussed to a limited degree depending upon level of competence of class. Discussion will take place featuring the learned text. Instructor will present challenges to the students for verbal competence and comprehension.

Oral/Aural Level 3: This course will instruct the students to use everyday, common, expressions which are traditional to the culture of American English. Idiomatic expressions, synonymous expressions, etc. will be part of the drills and lesson practices of this class.

Oral/Aural Level 4: This course is structured for conversational competence using the vast amount of idiomatic expressions of the English language. The students will, also, have to know the tense structures of “time” for the appropriate use of communications being orally produced for the past, present, and the future. Those in this class will have to interact-exhibiting their competence of idiom, vocabulary, sentence structure and tense.

Oral/Aural Level 5: The object of this course is to have the student exercise the concepts of communication in such clear fashion that there would be a free flow of communication from person to person. In this course, as in all other levels, articulation, voice, phonetic exercises, etc, will work hand-in hand to increase the awareness of the student for the specific rules and order of sounds and forms of the language.

Oral/Aural Level 6: This course will challenge the students by way of intercommunication among themselves, as well as, individually, (class presentation-public speaking) for the discipline and control of the production of the speech mechanism. Students will both initiate and respond to verbal clues for productive use of the English Language.

** The Course will be closed with the minimum registrants.
** Changes may appear without prior notice to students

LISMA : http://www.nylisma.com/program_esl.htm
LICM(Long Island Conservatory of Music) : http://liconservatory.net

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